My family and I were able to snag tickets to visit the new Smithsonian for October 31. We were all so excited, not only to see the museum but to find all of my silhouettes throughout the museum. We had our cute but warm clothes, our comfortable shoes, phones were charged, extra money for lunch and most importantly the tickets to get in!
The museum is very beautiful on the outside and inside! I love the outside structure because it reminds me of a paper cut out. There are several levels and we didn't get to see everything. *Tip the museum is in chronological order for the most part so start at the bottom. Take the elevator down, it will be crowded and this is where most of the traffic is located.
The bottom level covers the start of slavery and this is where my silhouettes can be found. I created two silhouettes, a male and a female for the museum so they could have a face to go with important stories that did not photo. I was so honored to see the silhouettes and to read the interesting stories that went along with them. My family tried our best to take photos of each one!

My third silhouette is located near the huge bale of cotton Labeled King Cotton. Back in the day cotton was king! The silhouette I created shows the slave bent over with the sack on their back and it shows the different weights of cotton in the bag. This particular exhibit made me tear up because of the brutalities that slaves had to endure if they didn't meet the daily cotton quotas.

The museum knew the information would be hard to process so there is a contemplation room with a beautiful but loud water fall in the upper section of the museum.
I enjoyed the museum and look forward to visiting again next year- we snag some more tickets! here are some wonderful but random photos! :)

This is my next inspiration for a mens paper cut collection. |