I had the pleasure to partner with the RVA Fashion Alliance during October's First Friday and for a RAL- Richmond Animal League benefit. With several other local artist we showcased our photography, wood sculptures, paper cut art, leather goods, clothing, and jewelry to the masses.
On October 7, 2016 we had a preview of our collections in Richmond, Virginia at the Virginia Interactive. This was my first First Friday and even though we didn't have that many people come through I got to meet some great artist, have good conversation, enjoy music from next door, and do something different.
I love that Richmond has come to life on Fridays and that peo
ple are out an about. When I was in college in Richmond there wasn't events like First Fridays and the city wasn't very art friendly even though VCU has an art school in the area but better late than never!
First Friday Event:
Fox and Hound event was low key also. There was an awesome band called The Folly, there was a really good MC, great raffle tickets items, and food.
Also artist M. Jiannalone
Janelle Washington